Well, this question has been on my mind for a while, and on Thursday night I get to explore it with other panelists at Dancehouse in North Carlton.
I am quite excited to be invited along. Should be great fun. Here are the details.
How Uncomfortable is Comfort?
Routines, habits, indulgent pleasures…in a word, reassuring comfort zones. But to what extent are they liberating or imprisoning? And how keen are we to needle our habits and challenge ourselves?
This month, Simone’s Boudoir delves deep into the world of comfort and its effect on our daily lives and how it shapes them, for better or worse. Housemate Performance Resident Victoria Chiu is joined by journalist Paul Ransom and sustainable living activist Gavin Webber – The Greening of Gavin, to discuss the pros and cons of a comfortable existence, our frustrations with our habits and our dependence on comfort.
Is there a right balance? And what lengths do people go to expel comfort or invite more into their lives?
Date: Thursday August 8
Time: 5.30pm-7.30pm
Where: Dancehouse Greenroom
Cost: FREE
Bookings preferred: rsvp@dancehouse.com.au
So, if you are interested, and are in the area, send through an RSVP to Dancehouse. They, and I would love you to come along.
Just a bit too far from Brisbane Gavin so I’ll have to give it a miss but it sounds really interesting, have a great evening.
Hi Jean. A pity you are so far away. It was a cozy crowd of 13, and was really great. Podcast to follow featuring everything we talked about.
Gav x