The quaint little town of Waubra is only 105 km (70 minutes drive) from our place, so we decided to take Pam (Kim’s mum) for a tourist trip. It sports a very large wind farm, which I believe is the fourth largest in Australia. It is such a pleasant country journey which I really enjoy.
I have written about our first visit to Waubra in this post titled “Waubra Wind Farm“, and also busted some wind farm myths in this post titled “Busting Myths About Wind Turbines“. I am indeed a fan of this type of renewable energy (pun intended)!
Anyway, here are a few photos from our trip. I have also posted a video on The Greening of Gavin Facebook page which shows how quiet these things really are. We were only 200 metres from one turbine, and could hardly hear it. The wind itself, was louder.
Benjamin posing for his mum, with turbines in the background. We were tying to get his head positioned so that it looked like they were growing out of his head, but it didn’t work 😉
The view on the way out of town. So picturesque.
We pulled up at our favourite turbine for a thermos of coffee that I prepared before leaving home. It was a welcome break under a very large turbine.
This is the turbine we took the video footage of.
The rolling hills covered in turbines, looking to the east. A magnificent site for a cup of coffee.
The man with his fan, or is that he is a big fan?
Ben gives the Waubra Wind Farm a double thumbs up! He really enjoyed himself, which was part of his science lesson for the day. Although Pam and Kim were not in any of these photos, they were actually there with us. Both of them could not stop talking of the majesty of the wind turbines, and how spectacular they look. When I told Pam that these turbines provide most of the electricity for Ballarat, she was simply amazed.
We enjoyed our day out. Wind farms are cool!