It was a simple affair.
Candles. A beautiful sunset. Chatting with Ben and Kim talking about life in general.
Very peaceful, and electricity free!
It was so nice in fact, that we are going to go lights out more often, even though we are on 100% renewable energy here at home. It was the mood and the company that we enjoyed the most, so we want to capture it again and again.
You may have noticed a notepad and pencil in the picture. That is because I got the urge to start another book. Not non-fiction this time, but a short story based upon a dream that I had a few days ago. You know the type, a really vivid dream that you swear that was real. It was so fresh in my mind that I have already written the first chapter.
Anyway, that was our Earth Hour 2013. What did you do for the event?
Candles and chat here too, at least the first night. The second night it was candles and reading aloud by candlelight. Why two nights? Because I read your blog the first night and hastily gathered the family to participate, only to learn the next day that we had jumped the gun by a day – you being on the other side of the date line, and in tomorrow already, lol.
That is hilarious Dawn! Well done on stretching the event over two nights. You’re a gem.
Gav x
I didn’t do anything for the “event” but decided that weekend to post a weekly “meatless monday” post to my very modest little blog.
Baby in bed, and Scrabble by candlelight with the hubs. Nice night in.