From weedy mess, to fabulous front orchard. Our winter neglect has now been remedied. This is the journey we have been on for the past three weekends, and now it is finished!
Here are a few pictures of the finally finished front yard. I reckon that it is the best it has been for many years, and the heavy mulching will help the fruit trees survive the long hot summer that is forecast to hit us hard this year. All photographs courtesy of Ben, as part of his school-work for today.
Nectarine and Peach, with an ornamental Pear in the background which I will be grafting real pear onto when the season gets going.
The two cocktail pear trees in pots.
A view down the path. It is quite a long front yard.
Supervisor Teddy making sure that Kim and Ben mulch the last bed properly.
Apricot and Olive tree #1.
The Plum tree bed. The second plum tree is out of shot. This photo was just before they finished mulching so you can see the newspaper and cardboard underneath.
Ben getting a bit artsy fartsy.
Supervisor Holly making sure that the Pear trees stay put.
The west side of the garden, with the photinia hedge growing well with lots of neglect.
Olive trees #2 and 3. There is Lucerne growing in-between them, and I threw down a few handfuls of seed to fill in the gaps. We then put the mulch over the top, and it should grow well. The chooks love lucerne (alfalfa).
And finally our Cox Orange Pippin, and Granny Smith Apple trees, with more lucerne growing in-between. Can’t have enough lucerne I reckon. We have 14 fruit trees growing well in this smallish space, most on dwarf root stock to keep them manageable. It is amazing just how many you can squeeze in.
So with it all finished, just a little more work to do around the pool area, like planting three more grape vines, and a bit of landscaping around them, and we are all set to go.
Our address can now be found at
Hope to see you on Sunday 9th September if you are in the area, and looking forward to talking to those who have already said they will drop by!
Rose says
What are you using for mulch Gavin?
Gavin Webber says
Hi Rose, Coconuts! I have found that it makes great soil, and has far less containments than you get with the mulch from the tip or the tree surgeon.
L from 500m2 in Sydney says
Looks really impressive Gav. I reckon Ben should be artsy fartsy more often – gives a great view of the mulch texture.
Anonymous says
That’s a lovely and useful garden you’ve planted. Congratulations!
Kim says
I wish I lived close enough to visit. I don’t think I have ever seen pics of your front yard before , great to see it is as sustainable as the back yard. Lovely pictures , Ben!
africanaussie says
Wow I love the paths edges so neatly with bricks, and amazed that you have managed to fit so many trees into that small space. Have you found that trees stay manageable when planted into the ground? I thought they had to be contained in a pot in order to stay small. I have a fig that is not liking its pot – thinking of maybe starting an espalier.
Jason Dingley says
Beautiful looking front yard. I would be happy to be your neighbour. Especially if I was hungry 🙂 I too am going to use my front yard for growing fruit.
Emma says
Hi Gavin
And is the coconut mulch you use the ‘CocoEarth’ brand? If so where do you get it from as there doesnt seem to be any stockists remotely near Melton