This is my first attempt at this cheese so I will not be posting the recipe until I know how it turns out. You will have to wait three months until it matures for the taste test post. It is only the second type of washed curd cheese I have made other than Gouda.
The recipe I used was from Tim Smith’s Making Artisan Cheese, and was Cabra al Vino (which is Spanish for Goats Wine), except I have used cow’s milk, changed the recipe somewhat, and the type of wine.
I opted for a sweet red instead of the normal dry red used for this cheese. I used a Crimson Cabernet by Banrock Station, which is a light fruity red, hoping that it will impart a certain sweetness to the cheese.
The cheese soaks in the wine for 24 hours initially, then a 6 hour air drying, then another 24 hours in the wine bath.
When it is removed, and dried for another 24 hours, it looks like this. It has a lovely purple colour.
It was not suggested in the recipe, but I pieced the cheese about 14 times as I would with a blue, to let some of the wine infuse into the core of the round. I am hoping for a marbling effect, but time will tell.
It is being stored at 12C @ 80% humidity, for three months. I have to turn it daily for the first two weeks, and if mould forms (which I am hoping it won’t), I have to wipe it with a brine solution. I have found from experience that my wine fridge does not stay humid enough, so I may end up waxing it at the four week mark to ensure that it keeps moist.
Fingers crossed it will be a very nice cheese. It smells delicious already, but I have always been partial to a nice drop of red wine!
Has anyone tasted this type of cheese before? I have to admit that I have not, so it is a big experiment for me.
[cross posted on Little Green Cheese]
Hi Gavin
I’ve tasted cheese with port wine through it (it was an English cheese imported into NZ). The port had gone right through the cheese, leaving a pink edge to every pressed curd. The flavour was delicious.
I’m fairly sure that the cheese had been waxed. It was a cow’s milk cheese with a firm-ish texture a strong-ish flavour.
I’m sure your’s will be even better with Banrock’s Crimson Cabernet – I’m picturing you and Kim sitting outside on a late-spring evening, savouring this cheese as you look at all the spring veg and fruit growth!
Hi Gavin-
I’ve had the Port Wine Cheese as well. Made with Cow’s milk, it too was marbled through and very yummy. I tried an experiment myself with a beer soaked cheese. While making a white cheddar I took the curds after cheddaring and just before pressing to soak them for 6 hours in a couple of bottles worth of Guinness. When it was through pressing and dried, I waxed it and let it sit for 3 months. The flavor was very intense when the wax was first cut open. But over about a week the flavor mellowed out and became very pleasant. I’ll try it again at some point with a different beer to see how the flavor changes, but it was a real hit with my friends. Looking forward to hearing how your drunken cheese turns out.
Just started following your blog..thoroughly enjoying it…can’t wait to hear how the cheese turns out.
Take care
How did it turn out?
Find out at my cheese blog, Little Green Cheese.