Yes, I am for real. We experienced a tremor here in Melton, with the epicentre being about 170km (106 miles) away from us near Moe, Victoria.
It was recorded at 5.3 on the Richter scale, but no major damage has been recorded so far. Here is the latest from
I was sitting in my computer chair drafting a post on the Simple Green Frugal Co-op, when my chair began to shake. I called out to Kim to see if she felt it, and she obviously did because at the same time, she called out to me. Kim started to call friends to see what was going on. It lasted for about 7 seconds.
I hit the social networks straight away to see if anyone else had experienced anything, and almost instantly, Facebook and Twitter lit up with the news, at least 30 minutes before the mainstream media got a story to air. Thank goodness it wasn’t major.
Anyway, enough excitement for one day! I still feel a bit funny and now I know what it feels like to dance with Gaia!
His name is Webber, Gavin Webber … shaken but not stirred
I like it!
Glad you are all safe, Gav.
Thanks BM!
It scared me here in The Dandenongs – lasted for 30 seconds and the windows and doors shook and our lounge moved. Like 100 possums in the walls and under the floors. Freaky!!
Mrs B, you were a bit closer to the epicentre than us, so it must have been quite scary. Kim was shaken up for a few hours (no pun intended)!
We had one last year in Adelaide. A very funny friend sent round an email titled “Damage caused by the Adelaide earthquake”. What followed was a photo of a plastic out door table setting with one of the chairs knocked over. Well it made me LOL.
Not soon after I found the t-shirt image, the same plastic chair meme started to do the rounds here as well. Good for a laugh and glad the quake was not serious.
So the earth DID move for you and your partner!
It certainly did, however we were in separate rooms when it hit!