This episode is about why we should Shop Less, and Live More. It includes observations about the state of consumerism in the Bourke St Mall, Melbourne, and a slightly edited interview from ABC Radio with Paul Gilding, author of The Great Disruption.
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Until next time, stay green and keep keen!

What a great message, Gavin. I’m becoming more and more careful and mindful with my shopping habits. This year, I’m buying no new clothes for the family, with a few exceptions. I find I spend more time in op shops these days, and I’ve been able to buy more than half of my eldest daughter’s school uniform there, and I’m putting away bigger pieces of uniform and other clothing away for the coming years. If I buy new clothes, I’m most likely to buy Australian made/hand made when possible, and I make a lot of the girls clothes anyway. I am curious though Gavin, where do you shop when things wear out?
Good question Alicia. For clothing, we mend what we can but if all else fails, we buy clothing second hand via eBay. You can get some very nice work attire on there and at a great price. Plus you are helping to reuse great stuff that others would usually throw away. Also I am never too proud to accept a hand-me-down jumper or coat!