Last night we had a ‘weed’ salad with our dinner!
Now, before I go any further with this tale, let me define a weed (Collins Dictionary)
1. any plant that grows wild and profusely, esp. among cultivated plants.
So really it is any plant not growing where you want it to be. After 5 years of gardening and growing heirloom vegetables that naturally propagate by self seeding, we have many friendly weeds around the garden. I did not plant them, nor did I interfere with their desire to grow where they chose to germinate.
Beetroot and rainbow chard self sown all over the place. I did not plant them in the pot! |
I currently have the following ‘gifts from nature’ aka weeds that keep on returning year after year; lambs tongue lettuce, red beetroot, white beetroot, 4 different varieties of rainbow chard, nasturtiums, parsley, cherry tomatoes, and garlic.
Lambs tongue lettuce in my onion/carrot patch |
As you can see, all of these veggies are potential salad ingredients, even in mid winter. So prolific are some of these weeds, that they are beginning to compete with the vegetables that I intentionally planted. We are picking and pulling lettuce just about every day so that they do now crowd out the brown onions and carrots. Once the lettuce goes bitter (as it does), I will pull most plants and feed them to the chickens. However, to keep all of my ‘weeds’ happy, I will let two plants of each type go to seed therefore letting the cycle continue. Why fight with Mother Nature when I can let her do some of the heavy lifting around the garden!
To cap it all off, I will leave you with the conversation around the dinner table last night. Ben was helping Kim gather the ingredients for the salad and he asked “Mum, why are you picking weeds?” Kim replied, “Ben, that is because nature left them here for us to eat”. Now Ben must have thought long and hard about this statement, because at the table, after cooking Kim and I dinner that consisted of Tortellini and Basil Pesto, with said salad, he piped up and said, “Dad, we are eating weeds for dinner!” I laughed loudly because I knew exactly what he meant. Children tell it straight like it is, that’s for sure.
So according to Ben, we eat weeds, and are proud of it!
Do you have any interesting ‘weeds’ growing in your veggie patch?
Adam says
I have the same problem at my place, though it is perpetual spinach, coriander, and Cos lettuce. I tell my friends that my garden, like all gardens has weeds, it’s just that I have a better class of weed 🙂
craftyrabbit says
And lovely weeds they are!
Anne says
We also eat the weeds that just grow here, the nettles and the chickweed and purslane. Nettles are a current favourite they are very good to eat.
alison@thisbloominglife says
I’m with Anne on the nettles. We live on a former sheep farm so nettles are everywhere. The kids love making fresh pasta coloured with the nettles, it’s a weekend afternoon favourite!