I had a brainwave the other day, and was wondering what readers thought of this?
Would you buy a cheese making DVD from this man? Kim says I look too much like Wallace, all excited like, but I just think it shows enthusiasm.
Would love your thoughts via comment.
TechChik says
I think you look more like the Urban Peasant, James Barber, and people bought his books, DVDs and watched his show every week.
Robyn M. says
I’d say there’s a high probability that I’d buy it–especially if you were able to go very slowly through several steps of cheeses that seem to always get cut in YouTube videos (like the crumbling steps of various cheeses).
nellymary says
I’d say go for it!…With all that you have already achieved in cheese making…it would be an easy adventure for you….A1 in my book.
brendie says
I do think its a good idea wallace, oops i mean gavin (snicker snicker) personally im too much of a tightwad/frugal as i can watch your vids on line to actually purchase a dvd, on saying that im totally into books, as when technology fails….i can still bring out a book and see how to do stuff.
Bruise Mouse says
I honestly don’t think that looking like Wallace is a bad thing. ; )
Greener Me says
Yes I would Gav!!!!!