If my research is correct, and the last two posts about Peak Oil are even half way on the money, then we need an education program like the oil game for our schools and communities. Only by truly understanding the many uses of oil and its impact as it becomes a scarce resource, will we able to prepare for the coming energy decent with our eyes wide open and without the bickering that affects our action on climate change. Well done to Tom and the Transition Town movement for leading the way.
P.S. The solutions post is still being research, so sorry for the delay.
Diane at Patchwork Economics says
Great series of posts!
‘Peak Oil’ will cause a fundamental change to the way we live. Life will become a lot harder, and a lot more local.
The unfortunate thing is that the general population is so distracted they have no clue that it’s even a consideration.
New technologies are nowhere near capable of being scaled up to replace our current transport needs. But worse still, there’s very little in the pipeline to replace all the other things we get from crude oil; everything from pharmaceuticals to food colours to toothbrushes.
A significant paradigm shift in the way we live is on its way.
Time to skill up, scale back and learn self-reliance.
Keep up the excellent work, Gav!
Calidore says
Thanks for the video link .My 18 year old daughter wandered in as I watched it and loved it. We need this in our schools – NOW!!! The sooner we educate our children the sooner they will educate their parents. By the day DD has already had people who have shopped at her place of work tell her why they don’t want one of those green bags and how full of chemicals they are. It opened her eyes and made her think more about what I had been telling her. Small steps – lead to big changes….they just take time. Keep up the good work Gavin.
Greener Me says
Very inspiring video, thank you for sharing it Gav.