The time has come to move all of my cheesiness to a separate blog. I feel that the original intent of this blog is beginning to get compromised by my favourite hobby, so I decided to get real and start one of the great cheese blogs of the world! Well, I am hoping that it will become one of the great cheese blogs of the world (which I hope does not sound too big headed).
It is called, of course, The Cheese of Gavin for want of a better name (Thankfully the name was changed to Little Green Cheese). I will be re posting some of the cheesy goodness from this blog to that one, and all future cheese posts will appear on the new site. I have also thought long and hard, and occasionally I will offer some cheese for sale to private customers. I have already made a few sales recently, and the cheese has been well received. Not too many sales of course, as I work full time, and only make a little bit on the side each week (unless it becomes profitable beyond my wildest dreams).
So pop on over and have a read of the first post and sign up as either a follower or a feed via email.
Also, if anyone can think of a better name worthy of one the worlds best cheese blogs, please leave a comment and I will give a prize of a little wedge of Parmesan for what I believe is the best name. (Australian residents only please) I am very excited to read your ideas!
Gav x
Gavins Cheesy Tales
Gavins Cheesy Workshops
Cheese Making With Gav
Somebody Say Cheese
Say Cheese Please
Cheese For The Soul
The Old Cheese
A Cheesy Blog
A Cheesy Love Affair
A Cheesy Affair
The big cheese
lol not in Australia but I wanted to add my truckle! LOL
Surely, The CheesING of Gavin?
What about Green Cheese? Sounds appetising! 🙂
The fermenting of Gavin
Gavin does Cheese
Cheesy Gav
Have fun
Hi Gavin..what an exciting day you have…love the mould through your cheese…not sure I would be that brave though…Off to check out your new blog….
How ’bout calling it
Green Cheese
You said it yourself Gavin! I think “cheesy goodness” describes it all! although when I thought about it and looked up cheesy to see how easy it would be to find on a google search I remembered cheesy had a different meaning. How about just plain “Cheese Goodness”?
How about “Kind of cheesy”
King of Cheese
Thanks to all for your kinds and interesting suggestions. There can be only one winner, so check out my latest blog post!
Gav x
so pleased your cheese making is taking off , Gavin. We are about to start milking a dairy goat and your cheese making is really making me think of having a go at making it too with beautiful goats milk.
I think this cheesemaking venture will go wild beyond your expectations . When you are good at something, you should just go with it and I am glad you are following your heart.