However I will not belittle myself to stoop as low as him and his ilk, including the sponsor of his tour, mining magnate Gina (I’ve got a bazzilion dollars) Rinehart. I wonder if the term ‘vested interest’ gets a mention in his presentation at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle tonight. It should be one hell of a show, with a hostile audience expected to attend.
Instead I will post a video that totally debunks the Loony Lord’s so called facts that he so often likes to present here in Australia.
I dare say that there will be more crap in the Murdoch media tomorrow, especially the Australian and the likes of Andrew Bolt, but not to worry, because I don’t read their trash anyway.
For tomorrow night and over the weekend, I have cheese to make and a chook house to build. I have no time for this action stifling debate. Just get on with it and enough said.
Gav, it has been ALL over the radio here in the west today. Apparently he has another talk here at UWA and the Vice Chancellor was very quick this morning to say that the University in no way endorses what he has to say and that he is merely using the venue. Is that not just as bad – taking money for something that you don’t support?
Im sorry Gavin, you will probably be ashamed of me but I feel sorry for someone who comes from such an obviously restricted gene pool.
He makes my poor husband ashamed to be English.
Bunkum be right! I am going to chop up mulch by hand. Doing will be my protest.
People like that always make my teeth ache, and I have to keep telling myself that those whom have sold themselves to the devil will get theirs in turn. I just wish they wouldn’t try to take the rest of us with them.
Anyways, back to planting more salad greens…
It should be noted that Gina Rinehart has a 10% stake in Channel 10, hence that Andrew Bolt twat is getting far too much airtime on the channel. It’s a sad, sad world we live in.
These sorts of climate deniers get lots of attention, but more and more I think there are a huge – but quiet – army of us, the people who are doing their best to “green” their lives and vote with their pocketbooks. It took some doing, but I finally got my hands on some used “food-safe” 55 gallon drums that will be converted to rain barrels. Drought isn’t a problem here, but I’m on a well and every time I water the garden my well pump runs incessantly. So, rain barrels are “green” in general, save money, save electricity, and will give me a more convenient water source at the back of my yard. So many reasons to do this good, satisfying work. Onward and upward! Lead on, Gav!
People always love listening to the circus freaks. They’re good entertainment. I’m sure as people learned the earth was spherical there was plenty of media at the time for the “flat earth fraternity” too.
Just get on with being you, helping people become more sustainable, and changing for the better, and don’t let him (and his ilk) bother you.
You’re worth 10 of this idiot anyday.
Hi Gavin,
I saw him on a youtube video once, raving lunatic came to mind. After that I lost all interest in him, there are much more important things to do like watch the grass grow.
Funny thing, everytime I see his name I think it says Lord Mockton
Like many other Australians Gav (and like yourself) I have stopped paying any attention to Lord Monckton after he called Ross Garnaut a Nazi. Lord Monckton??? who is Lord Monckton is my thinking now!