I did a head count yesterday. If all goes well with the growing season, I will have 129 bulbs of garlic in November! This vegetable is just so easy to grow. Just stick it in the ground, water, and harvest 6 months later when the tops die down!
So from the original two bulbs of garlic that I bought from Diggers club three years ago, I harvested about 20 bulbs in the first season, 50 bulbs in the second and, well you can tell what will happen next. Just by saving a few more of the fattest bulbs each year as seed for the next, you will never have to buy garlic ever again.
With these two puppy-chinos guarding the crop, I have no doubt at all that it will be a bumper one!
becky3086 says
Great job1 Unfortunaty my first bulbs didn’t produce much but I am trying again.
john (dad) says
they are sure keeping an eye out for any types of pests haha
dixiebelle says
I am hoping for better success this year, though we are still eating our own homegrown garlic from last year. This year, looser soil in a better garden bed, but also, the bulbs are going into a bed where pumpkins were…
Aren’t your guard dogs cute, I mean, savage and ruthless!
Frogdancer says
I bought a punnet with 4 seedlings in and planted them a few weeks ago. My plan is the same as yours… gradually increase the yield every year.
Greener Me says
Gav I like it when you put photographs of your dogs in your post – they look so happy & loved! Makes me smile.
Lisa says
I love growing garlic, it is the easiest thing to grow and so useful! I can’t understand why more people don’t grow it.
BTW I love reading your blog!
Julie says
I count my garlic too….make that potential garlic, something always happens to a portion of the original count. Same goes for any other crop you are looking forward to 😉