On Saturday, I attended the Getup! Price on Pollution rally at Treasury Place, Melbourne.
There have been media stories for and against both sides. There were many reports that the 8000 odd people that attended the pro carbon tax rally were a bunch of pot smoking university student rent a crowd types that were paid by the Labor party and the 400 people who attended the anti-carbon tax rally in Werribee were a ‘grass roots’ movement. Make your own mind up, but from someone who was there with my daughter, who are far from being dope smoking hippies, I did not see anyone being paid to attend or did I see any rent a crowd types, just concerned citizens who voiced their opinion for action on mitigating climate change.
Anyway, my lovely daughter Megan took lots of photos which I made into a presentation video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in attending the event!
This post will be the last climate change one for a while. I want to get back to simple and sustainable living again. I think that you can only protest so much, and you need to balance that with a whole lot of just getting on with it.
Great work Gavin!
Hey, can we vote for you for Earth Hour Awards yet? Did you do a post on that, and I missed it?
Hi Dixiebelle,
Thanks. Unfortunately I did not make it to the peoples choice awards, so there is no voting to be had.
Gav x
Aw, well, I would have voted for you!!
Great video!
The pot smoking university rent a crowd seems to be getting younger and younger. I could have sworn I saw a toddler.
I also loved to irony of the no bike sign at premier lane.
It’s a shame you didn’t make the cut for the people’s choice awards, I would have voted for you as well.
I loved the video! Half-way(?)across the world, in Maine, I am cheering for you and your daughter.
good on you gav and megan. bad luck about the awards
The age range for pot smokin’ university rent a crowd types was quite broad I thought, from babies to elderly people, we met up with 4 other families with small children. The 400 strong revolution is running out of new things to say I think. I have a few pics on my blog now. Can’t vote for you, what a shame 🙁
Gav you and your daughter are becoming guite the photo journalist! Love it!