300kg to be exact. Two mates and I spent a good hour or so shovelling sheep manure into big buckets for this weekends Djerrawarrah Festival. We managed to get our hands on some big mayonnaise buckets with lids for free, and the filled them up with crushed sheep manure which was kindly donated by a local wool-merchant (Lempriere Fox & Lillie). This will be part of the fund-raising for the Melton Sustainable Living Group.
Kim also drew some lovely picture on each bucket. Cute, isn’t it.
We are selling them for $5 a bucket load. Not only will the manure enhance your vegetables, but you can reuse the bucket around the yard as well.
Do you think that all 38 buckets will sell?
Lisa says
If I was in Australia, I’d probably buy all 38 of them! What a great idea!
Mickle in NZ says
I think they will most definately sell – I have a big bag of dried “sheep pellets” in my basement.
They are a brilliant fertiliser in my container vege garden, and after a wee watering in they make my garden smell just like a New Zealand Sheep Farm. This aroma discourages and deters other little furry wotsits from using the containers as their own personal loos!
Frugal Life UK says
I owuld buy it, now, when I go to Bodmin moor, I think I might scoop up some sheep poo, will make the boot of the car stink though
greenerme says
Love the images on the bucket Gav – it will get people’s attention.
Got to tell you that I was reading your post on my Blackberry. I was probably scrolling down too fast on the email because for a quick second I read that you were shovelling poo for the Diarrhoea Festival. I had a giggled when I realised my mistake.
Darren (Green Change) says
Those buckets are worth more than $5 each! I think I pay about $10 for buckets that size at Bunnings.
If it was bagged, I’d say $5 was fine, but I reckon you should be charging more!
Great idea for a fundraiser, though. My area is famous for its dairy industry, so my gardening group could do something similar with cow poo. Hmmm…
Kimmy says
You are so clever getting the sheep to poo in the bucket,Gavin…perhaps it was the picture that attracted them.
Just discovered your blog and have spent a rainy afternoon, reading lots and lots. I especially love your soap making information. I made my first batch last week and I can’t wait to try out your rose soap.
Cat J B says
Yup, I’d buy a few, I bet they’ll sell!
Gavin says
Alas friends, they did not sell. I believe most people thought they were too heavy to lug around the festival all day, and couldn’t plan well enough to swing by on their way home. We did deliver one bucket to a lady who lived about 5 minutes from the event, but if we had have delivered more, the environmental benefit would have been eroded with additional fuel usage.
Tricia says
I can’t belive they didn’t sell. I think they are a brilliant idea (and I love Kims sheep pic). I would have bought one and picked it up on my way out. Those buckets are so handy for storing chook feed etc.
The sad thing is I imagine that if you were selling buckets of manfactured fertiliser for the same price people would have thought they were a great bargain and snapped them up.