Probably old hat for most of my readers, however you can never promote a good video tutorial too much I reckon! Especially when a) it is about soap making and b) it took an afternoon to edit it!
So those who missed it, please pop over to the Simple Green Frugal Co-op for my soap making video tutorial.
I love your posts, they are absolutely brilliant!
Thank you for all the wonderful tutorials. I always wanted to make my own cheese and soap, and you made it look so do-able!!
Must get to soap making and cheese making… one q for now – with the soap, do you find it’s ‘drying’ on your skin, at all?
Thanks 🙂
@ Sarah,
Thank you very much. Give it a try, it is easy once you get going.
@ Kristy,
I don’t find it drying on the skin, more moisturising if anything due to the additional oil in the recipe.