If there was a movie titled “Gav & Kim’s Most Excellent Adventure”, we would have starred in it yesterday.
What a great feeling it is to open up our sustainable home to the public and receive so many visitors. How many, I hear you ask?
96 humans, 2 dogs, and 9 volunteers.
That makes 107 visitors in total! I got to meet quite a few readers of my blog, who I thoroughly enjoyed talking to. I also had a visit from some of the people I met at the ACF Community workshops down at Caroline Springs back in May/June. We even received and accepted five new members for the Melton Sustainable Living Group.
So here is an extract from the evaluation report I sent in to the national coordinators, so that you get a better idea of how the day ran.
“Volunteers – All the volunteers were members of the Melton Sustainable Living Group. I am glad we had so many, because at times we were stretched to the limit. One tour finished and another started! It is better to have too many volunteers than too little.
Coordination – The day ran very smoothly. Tours started dead on 10am and began small, but grew in size as the people started flowing in. Every volunteer had an assigned role and knew what part to play on the day. The last person walked out the gate at 4.02pm
Sponsorship – No local sponsorship was sought, and no national sponsors visited either.
Media ( local ) – I managed to get a story in the local news paper. Here is the link.
http://www.meltonweekly.com.au/news/local/news/general/tips-on-sustainable-living-revealed/1928082.aspx We also had a brief interview on the local radio station which was broadcast on Sunday 5th September. I also turned it into a podcast for my blog (The Greening of Gavin). You can here the interview here. http://meltonsustainablelivinggroup.blogspot.com/2010/09/sustainable-house-day-2010-radio.html
Promotion ( local ) – We did a pamphlet drop around the neighbourhood a week before the event. Not many people mentioned that they heard about us from this method.
Signage – Laminated arrows were used at major intersections towards the house, and we made up some entrance and exit signage using the provided logo. It worked well, and most people found us alright.
Ancillary Events – None organised. There was not enough time or volunteers.
Administration – I must thank the National organisers for the great administration by prompting local organisers each week on what was outstanding. We managed to submit all paperwork on time (I hope)
Outcomes – It was a fun day, with lots of interested visitors. We also managed to gain 5 new members for the Melton Sustainable Living Group. This has doubled our numbers! We cannot wait until next years SHD 2011. Hope it is bigger and better and that we can convince more home owners in the district to get involved. The great thing was that this event was a first time for our shire.”
Hi Gavin, I’m so glad the day went so well and that it was such a huge success. You did a great thing, opening your house to the public like that.
We went to a place in Brisbane, and we were rather underwhelmed. The guy had a huge 4WD, a couple of dirtbikes and seemed more of a gadget guy than a green guy. He had installed what seemed like a zillion low voltage lights in his house and despite a 1.7kW solar set up, still had quarterly power bills of $250!!! What a way to get people interested in solar power – not! We live in a nearby suburb and without any solar power (although we do buy 100% renewable power), our bills are less than that.
His garden was less than impressive and I honestly thought the visitors would have been better off visiting our house, even though we don’t generate our own solar power (yet).
Anyway, we can’t all be as lucky as the people who visited your place!
Hi Gav, Kim and Family,
Big round of applause, hugs and best wishes from over here in WA.
Hi Gav
great example to us all
glad you had a great turn out
There are more and more people turning to our way of life and loving it also The shine has gone off of the big city lights now and we are turning back to our grass roots
I hope we can have more days like you have just experienced
Love Mum
I’m so pleased to hear the day went well.
All I can say is, be prepared for next year. If you had over 100 this year (and two dogs – don’t forget the doggies!), you can probably expect double that next year, when word gets around what a success it was!
Everything is in blossom here too – so pretty 🙂 Don’t you just love spring?
Well done – it’s so good to see your hard work paying off in teaching others how to transform their lives for the better.
Leanne – over at http://www.hazeltreefarm.com (which used to be “Cluttercut”)
congratulations gav/kim and your group ,ill see it all in a couple weeks
Sounds like the day couldn’t have gone any better for you. That must make you feel pretty proud I would imagine to know that people are walking away after seeing what you and your family have done, feeling inspiring and wanting to make changes because of what they have just seen. Well done 🙂
We got to see 3 houses on Sunday, happy with all 3 as got ideas from all of them. Looking forward to next year.