Now that there is a massive space in the lounge room left by the vacated TV we have put it to good use to dry our home made soap.
Here are a few samples of what we have created over the last few weeks. Pretty colours don’t you think? By the way, the green soap that I made in the video demonstration did not actually go very green. It is at the top left. We live and learn, but it still smells great though!
As you can see we have been experimenting by trying a marbling effect, which is quite easy to do. We split the batch of soap just before trace into two separate containers. Then we add colour to one of the batches and then layer them in the mould. Kim then ran a loop of wire through the trace once and you can see the effect on the batch on the right hand side. I think they all look great. To the rest of the batches we attempted a slight marbling effect by mixing in the colour with a balloon whisk at trace. The reason it marbles is because the whisk does not distribute the colour evenly through the entire batch, which in turn leaves white streaks in the soap. We are very happy with our efforts over the last week. It has also kept our mind off of Butch 🙁
The fragrances from top to bottom are Violet & Lime, Sweet pea & Vanilla, Rose, Raspberry, and Mint Toffee. We will be selling some of them at Sustainable House Day, with 50% of the profits being donated to the Melton Sustainable Living group.
Kim is so excited about our recent success that she wants to make some more tomorrow! New smells and colour arrived in the post today. I think we are making Aqua Marine. It will remind me of my days at sea in the Navy.