Well if you do, and you live on the Eastern Seaboard of Australia, I don’t think you will be able to satisfy your hunger for fresh tomatoes and capsicums in a few months time or be willing to pay for the massive price hike in these vegetables. Check out this hot article titled “Seedling sabotage devastates farmers” from ABC online. Nothing like a unhealthy dose of Round-up to stuff up your year!
It just goes to show that our food industry is susceptible to disasters, and supply cannot be guaranteed. It make a very strong case for becoming a locavore, and growing your own fresh produce.
We haven’t purposely bought a fresh tomato since 2007, of which I am most proud of. Kim may have slipped the odd punnet of cherry tomatoes in the shopping trolley out of season, but certainly not the norm for us. As for the other vegetables mentioned like capsicums, eggplants and melons, all of these will be quite scarce in a few months time, so it looks like we will all be eating food that is in season.
As my son Adam is quite fond of saying, “Dad, you have the skills to pay the bills”, and in this case I believe that I do have the skills to keep up our food supply in any sort of disaster to the normal industrial food complex.
I believe that growing your own organic food not only provides for the here and now, but is insurance for the difficult times ahead of us. Please take the time to learn now, whilst there is still ample time available before the zombies are knocking on your door! As I have stated before, we are all only nine meals from Anarchy.
I rest my case.
You can’t help but think, ‘who benefits from this?’ I can’t see a bunch of bored teenages as being behind this one. I am not sure if you’re familiar with the resource, and its very much american based, but there are some really interesting doccos’ over here: http://freedocumentaries.org/index.php
Especially with regards to Monsanto and their practices regarding their product roundup -amongst many other interesting doccos.
I’ve got the tomatoes going, I’ll have to plant some eggplant this weekend. Its a good moon for it.
Gosh, that’s terrible!
Its heartbreaking to see such destruction. I will be getting the hothouse going in the next few days now. Not more procrastination.
I like your son’s saying “Do you have the skills to pay the bills.” I will ponder that one for awhile… There is something to being a jack of all trades.
Thats pretty impressive that you haven’t bought a tomato since 2007. I would love to be in that position to not have to buy them, one day one day…
I just read the article- how horrible! Thanks for keeping us updated on stories like this and of course it is a blessing you are learning and growing with your own veggie patch and other sustainable changes. oxm.
Hmm I saw the stories as well Gavin. I already had some tomatoes going and in flower on the front deck where they get full sun and warmth from a brick wall protecting them from the frosts we get here but me thinks I’m going to invest in some more tomorrow and some capsicums as well, I’ll have to find some more pots ;-). Makes you wonder what sort of person would do this doesn’t it?
I think its lucky they were just seedlings. They should be able to get another batch up in good time unless the investigation ties up their equipment. But I guess for a few weeks the prices will be higher, whether the cost to produce is higher or not.
If anyone is putting in seeds now your harvest won’t be ready until the prices should have already started to come down, but so what, plant them anyway, you never know how long the supermarkets will keep the prices inflated.