If there is such a thing, I seem to have lost it. My blogging mojo that is.
Every once in a while it just happens. You run out of steam, and no amount of fantastic ideas swimming around in your head can make you write it all down in a post. So my solution was quite simple. I thought I would write a quick post about loosing it, and see if it would come back again. Lets see what happens tomorrow, because I think I can feel another post forming in my head already.
Please bare with me during this writers block, but I do believe that every now and again, you have to take a step back, take a break and evaluate.
Gav x
HI Gavin, just to let you know how much I appreciate your blog, have systematically been going through “how to begin” in all it’s detail…thanks for taking the time out to help us along the way!! Penny, Brisbane
I think maybe mine ran away… perhaps our blogging mojo’s are off on a tropical holiday together somewhere!!
For me, plenty of things I could blog about, I guess, but I have too much doing going on, not enough time for blogging about it all…
Snap! But I’m blaming it on Le Tour, I do like bikes. 😉
im sure it will all come back to you gav.
Oh gosh, it seems to be catching! I just wrote a comment on another friend’s blog about this issue.
Your mojo hasn’t gone away. Its in the fridge, behind the pickles.
Go have a look. You’ll find it there. Trust me.
Seriously – go look!
You might well have something to write about in the next few days if it’s true that the ALP are going to develop a climate policy…
@ Penny.
Thanks, your kind words helped. Glad you liked the How to Begin post.
@ Dixiebelle
As I said at your blog, keep your chin up and just keep swimming as Dory said to Marlin!
@ Jonesy
Bikes are cool, I like the bikes as well, but don’t stay up to watch them.
@ Dad,
It did father. I suppose I just had to get it off my chest.
@ Dahrja,
Hey, you were right. It was just behind the pickles. Look, I found it!
@ Chookie,
You are absolutely right, I just would not have been able to hold back once they released their policy, no matter how much spin they put on it.
Gav x