.. and think of the others on this planet that we are harming. I will let you be the judge about the message that this video is trying to get across. I personally think it works.
Please note: some viewers may find this video disturbing.
It is hard hitting, and emotional. Just the sort of message to make you think about what can be done about this big issue and then actually go and do something about it.
Hi Gavin – The only problem I have is with the term “global warming”.
Living in a cool climate now, I realise what a con job this terminology is. It makes it sound like it’s going to be nice and gentle and friendly-like, not like the truth of the matter, which is a life or death, forests are going to burn, people by the millions (possibly billions) are going to starve scenario.
We need to start calling it what it is: global climate disaster.
But yes, a pretty grim video.