What a momentous day! The greenhouse raising was tiring, yet fun. What a great way to spend my little part of the Plasma Bonus curtsey of the Australian Government. We bought the kit in November, but have only just got around to putting it together. It took us a total of six hours to construct, including about 30 minutes of breaks. The Sun was fading fast as we put the finishing touches on it, but we managed to get it all completed before sunset. Everyone pitched in and no-one complained at all. Well done team TGOG.
I can’t wait to plant my first tomatoes over winter! Please enjoy the little panorama of images that captures the days events.
hi gav
how do i get this kind of picture to work i cant see a bloomin thing Ellie
Cute video – but I think you mean 2010!
looks bloody good gav. congrat to all who assisted. well have tomatoes etc when i come there in october will i ?
What a wonderful green house – and wonderful video too. Have fun!! Emily in South Texas
Love the musical accompaniment :).
I will admit, also, to being a bit jealous of your greenhouse. Zoning restrictions (our property is too small) prohibit us from having a proper greenhouse, although for some reason our town doesn’t have a problem with the chicken coop – go figure ;).
wow this is fantastic, I want one!!!!! What a great lot of photos.
Disappointed dad! Those credits should state:
Photography: Gavin, Kim, MEGAN, Amy.
@ Sis,
Thanks love.
@ Mum,
It is a YouTube video. It should just work? You may have to wait a little while for it to buffer.
@ Anon.
Yes, my mistake. It is 2010, but my excuse was that I was tired!
@ Dad.
Thanks mate. I reckon we will have some ready by then.
@ Emily.
It was a fun day, and everyone got into the act with the photos.
@ Wendy,
I thought the music was fitting because we were listening to Carmen whilst working! Nothing like a good sing-along to keep the workers happy. Shame you can’t have one. Does it get cold enough where you live to warrant one? It was 37C in there today, and 20C outside!
@ Sue
Thanks, it was quite a bit of work to put it up. We capture everything we do around here. It is kind of like our life diary. I also use the blog to reflect upon where I have come from when feeling a little blue. It picks me up right away.
@ Megan.
Sorry daughter, I was tired. At least you got in the credits!
Wow, Gavin – what a flash greenhouse!
I hope you’re going to show us some photos of your tomatoes in a few months’ time!
Leanne at Cluttercut
Watching that video was like re-living my hangover that day all over again. And i don’t know what your talking about when you said no one complained, i bitched the whole time!
Love Adam.
PMSL….. and they are both STILL complaining…. kids are NEVER happy are they Gav? Our kids are SOOOO hard done by they reckon xxxxx
Congratulations on the greenhouse!! Very exciting, and what a productive winter you will have. Can’t wait to see some of the finished products! xo m.