Once again, my main post is over at the Simple, Green, Frugal Co-op, with a post titled, “Green Transportation“. It is an in depth essay regarding the GHG emissions produced by most modes of transportation we use on a daily basis. It also takes into consideration that fact that we are at the end of the age of cheap oil and some of the reasons it is better to use greener forms of transport. I based the list on this transportation triangle. Read it from bottom to top for the most friendly to the worst mode.
I think that this guy has the right idea! His mode of getting around isn’t even in the triangle!
Hi Gavin!I agree whole-heartedly with you but when it is 43 degrees and blowing a wind as hot as a furnace, if you have to go out, there is only one option…. the air-conditioned car. Sure, we didn’t used to have cars or air-conditioning and I would prefer to stay home but lots of people can’t. I don’t know the answer but weather like this in spring is killing everyone’s seedlings, drying unripe fruit on the trees and is going to have a huge impact on local food availability over summer in SA.