It is just pure craziness, and it seems that no-one has the guts and foresight to call this bill out for what it is. A piece of rubbish, that will probably be blocked in the Senate for the second time (Here is hoping, anyway). With the new amendments inserted to appease the opposition party, it is nothing but a pond-scum of a bill. Sorry, let me correct that. It is the bacteria that feed on the pond-scum of a bill.
If they, our elected officials had have stuck to the recommendations of the Garnaut review, we would have a half decent ETS to assist in reducing greenhouse gasses in this country, and become world leaders of a green economy. Instead, they have pissed this, the one and only opportunity, away into the wind and it will return to haunt us further into the future as we discover that it will take over a generation for this scheme to actually achieve any reductions. We don’t have a generation to act. The ice shelves at both poles are melting faster than ever, our weather patterns are well out of whack, and I am pissed off that all we have to show for it is a crappy piece of legislation that actually pays massive compensation to all industries that have been the culprits to date. Blind Freddy can see that this is not right (sorry if you are blind and are called Freddy), and I believe that this is a ploy to maintain the status quo whilst looking like action is being taken.
Fiddling whilst Rome burns is what it is. Dinosaur industries that put profit before people. Something has to change and I vote that it is not the climate!
That is my two cents for the day. Comments please, I would love to hear your opinion.