Not wanting to big note ourselves, but I reckon we had the most interesting stall at the festival! We all worked hard to spread the word, and to promote the benefits of a sustainable lifestyle, both from the environmental and financial aspects. We had 10 interested people who I will send out an introductory letter to, and hopefully they will join up and double our numbers.
We also met many other people who were passionate about the environment from other groups in the shire. The Environmental Hub was well represented by many diverse groups. There was the Friends of Melton Botanical Gardens, Friends of Toolern Creek, Melton Environment Group, Melbourne Water – Water Wise, Melton Shire Waste Management, and us, Melton Sustainable Living Group.
Unfortunately, due to a very hot day (34ºC) and spending most of it in the sun or in the marquee that was more like a sauna, I managed to get a mild sunstroke and have been poorly the last two days. Fatigue yesterday and nausea and vomiting today. Gross, I know, but that will teach me not to be sun smart. I thought I drank enough water, but obviously not enough!
I also have a presentation I am giving as part of National Recycling Week on Wednesday, 11th November, at the Caroline Springs Library from 7.30 – 9.00 pm. If you are in the area, pop along and hear me speak about ‘How I greened my home in West Melton’. I am looking forward to it, so wish me luck!
dixiebelle says
Geez, I hope you are feeling better by now… maybe you needed to go to the A&E for some IVT rehydration? I hope you are replacing your electrolytes…
It’s great to hear people out there, connecting and making a difference!
Gavin says
Hi Dixiebelle,
I am all better now. Lots of fluids, salty food, rest and relaxation sorted me out. I came good about 2pm yesterday. No need for hospital, it was only a mild case, but the headache was like someone banging my head with a hammer! We are experiencing the hottest November on record in Melton, Victoria. Something to do with climate change :-). Every year we break a new heat record!
santo says
nice info