Sorry for the lack of posts over the weekend. I have had a major relapse with my back injury and have been doped up to the eyeballs on painkillers for the since Friday afternoon. I am working 4 hour days from home (probably from bed) until my back decides to improve. Oh, and Valium makes you dopey but helps immensely with muscle spasms!
The posts will be intermittent over the next week or so, but I have been busily writing down my posts on paper and when I am able to sit for more than 5 minutes I will type them all up and begin posting.
Keep on keeping green
Sorry Gav to hear you’re in such pain. We all love your blog and look forward to your posts but have a good rest and take a wee blogging break till you’re up to things again. Get well soon
Hi Gav,
I hope you experience a quick lessening of pain so you can get back into cheesemaking and gardening again.
Kind Regards
Thanks Anita, sage advice which I will take. Writing ideas on paper is always a good way to express myself. It also hurts less as well!
Me too Belinda. I made a quick Caerphilly on Sunday, but suffered for the rest of the day and night because of it. I won’t be doing that again for a while. Besides, the cheese cave is nearly full anyway!
Hope your recovery is swift.
Hi Gavin,
I hope your back doesn’t give you too much grief for too long. I’m sure you’re been very well taken care of.
Hope your up around soon. Take care.
Erk, sorry to hear your back is giving your grief again! Take care, I hope the meds fix it up ASAP and you are up and around again soon!
poor thing! get better soon, but enjoy the rest and the chance to read and think… take care, kate. and yes, we will miss your postings. your blog rocks! (as my kids say)
Hey Gav, sorry to hear your back is giving you grief again. Sounds like you are having a rough time at the momment my friend. Rest up and get well soon Gav 🙂
Hey Gav and co, Please shout over the fence if you need anything at all. Hope to see you real soon!
oh, Ouch. Rest up please – as you’ve written, the cheese cave is nearly full. I suggest now is the time to put it to a survival test, practising for two weeks only as your first trial.
Sending painfree thoughts to your back, and relaxed wuzzy-free thoughts to your brain.
Kind thoughts, Michelle over in (Nuclear Free) NZ
Hope you are soon back on your feet healing prayers sent your way love to all at your place ELLIE