After much deliberation, I have chosen, not one, not two, but three winners! I couldn’t help myself, and the movie is just so good.
Heather @ Tenderbreak Permaculture Farm – for such a great plea, checklist of reasons and the passion to win the movie.
Nevyn @ Nevyn’s Place – for doing extra research and being such a great help.
Sarah – for suggesting that it could be a chain film so that lots of people can enjoy it.
This gift from me to you has one eco condition. I want you to share this movie with at least 10 other people (as in lend or have a group screening) and show it to your immediate family as soon as you receive it. It is such an important message that I hope you agree needs to be spread far and wide. The peak everything clock is ticking!
Thanks to everyone else who wrote a comment and participated. It was loads of fun including the research. Can the winners please email me with their details please, to the address in the top left sidebar. I will send the disk off in the mail on Monday.
Now, if I don’t receive an email from the winners within a week I will be sending off a spare copy to Margaret @ Margaret’s Ramblings in the UK, so she can listen to the wonderful music and share the movie with family and her “Buddy’s”.

I don’t know whether to hope that one of the winners doesn’t contact you or not Gavin, haha. Congratulations everyone.
I won something! Woohoo.
Don’t worry Margaret, I’ll pass my copy onto you. I just hope I don’t get distracted and lose track of time.
Nevyn, that is so kind. I will forward Margarets address to you via email.
Did you notice that the HOME video is back up on YouTube? It was reposted yesterday by Yann so I spent the entire day on my veeeery slow ‘puter downloading it to watch today on the telly… Thanks for the link!