I have just spent all morning and part of the afternoon in hospital looking after Kim. She was admitted this morning as the Cellulitis that she was diagnosed with yesterday did not respond to the antibiotics that she took overnight and was in excruciating pain.
We woke up this morning and her right foot had blown up like a balloon. Not good, so back to the doctors in Melton and then she was referred straight to the Emergency room at Bacchus Marsh hospital. She was tended to straight away, and was placed on an antibiotic IV within two hours. As she was so dehydrated, she spent the first hour just on a saline drip to rehydrate and bring her blood pressure back up again.
I can say that I was worried sick, as was Kim, but we kept a brave face for the kids, and she is now resting in a nice ward and is in very good hands. She will be on the IV for about two days, so we are all off to call on her tonight during visiting hours.
Darling, I wish you a very speedy recovery and miss you already!
Wishing Kim a very speedy recovery! And you and the kids all the best during these times! Take care and all the best to all of you. 🙂
indeed. wishing a very speedy recoery and home soon!
Get Well Soon Kim, Gav if you need anything you know my number…
Hey Gav,
You and Kim take care. If you need anything just call
Jane & Sim
Sorry to hear that new Gav,
Wishing Kim a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the support everyone. I have passed on each comment to her via the phone. We had a visit tonight, and she is in good spirits. She has a telly, and lots of magazines so she won’t get bored. She did mention a minute ago that the nurses said she would probably be in hospital until at least next week! I will ask the doctor tomorrow, because I suppose it would be for the best if she just rested until she was a bit more mobile.
Once again, thankyou all very much. Kim was chuffed!
sorry to here about your illness kim, hope things improve quickley for you. love from norma and myself
Ouch! Hope Kim is feeling better today.
Eeek, poor Kim! Best wishes for a speedy recovery Kim 🙂