Like a chip off the old block, my daughter Megan joined the "Go Green" team at her high school about 2 months ago. It comprises of 9 other like minded students in their final year of school. Her school is quite un-green with no recycling bins, no water tanks, no energy efficiency campaign, no Solar PV, no community garden, no composting/worm farms. So the team has lots of potential opportunities to work with.
Last week, Megan spoke at assembly before the entire school, telling them their plans to green up the school. I believe she and the team received a standing ovation, so it just goes to show that there must be a lot of young adults out there who want to help save what is left of the environment.
Their vision for Kurunjang Secondary College is to create a cleaner and healthier environment for living and learning.
The groups aims for 2009 are;
In the short term
Developing a pride and respect for our environment
Reviewing the bin system in the school including the location and use of our bins by cleaning and deodorizing and fixing the bins and if needed obtaining more bins
Teaching others about the proper methods for recycling and then recycling all our bottles, cans and paper
In the long term
Obtaining grants for solar panels to make our school more energy efficient and then ultimately putting electricity back into the system
Obtaining grants for water tanks, plants and trees so we can not only beautify the school, but also create areas of shade and be water self sufficient
When Megan told me that she had joined a green group at school, I was very proud of her and the teenagers who created and joined the group. It gave me faith in the next generation to make a difference, and not accept the current norms.
Just for the record, in no way did I force Megan down this path, it must have just happened via osmosis. I suppose that when she is part of a family that aims to live sustainability, she doesn’t have much option than to be a part of the movement! I am not saying that Megan is an green evangelist, far from it. I still have to remind her occasionally to turn her PC off at the wall to minimize standby power leakage, or to turn the kitchen light off when she was the last one in the room, etc. Other than that she is a quite achiever!
Well done Go Green team from Kurunjang Secondary College. If you ever want me to come along and speak about sustainable living, just let my daughter know. Happy to share what I know.
Hi Gavin,
You must feel a great sense of achievement with your daughter now “taking up the cause”. I wish her well in her endeavours.
Well done Meagan a true chip off the “old’ block Gav you must be very proud of her LOVE ELLIE
Well done Megan. I have alot of faith in these emerging adults.
Gav I am really surprised that any school in Australia today wouldn’t have recycling or any green projects.
Well done Megan for putting your hand up to make some changes!