Would you believe that I received an email at 1630 letting me know that the Today Tonight article would air at 1830. It must have been a last minute inclusion. The really funny thing was that I didn’t check my email until 1820. A few frantic phone calls later to friends and family, we sat back and watched the show. Now you can watch it as well. Sit back, grab some popcorn, and please share the message where ever and when ever you can.
The video says it’s a private video. How can I watch it?
Sorry, I have fixed it. It is my first youtube upload ever!
Way to go Gavin. It may seem that your voice is very small against the big boys but believe me if you keep scrating them enough they will soon get sick and tired of having to scratch so often. It is the lone voice that when joined with others makes the mightest shout. From a Kiwi in the UK, I’m proud of you. Margaret
well done alos one the youtube, I have yet to master it.
Thanks Gavin for posting the segment. I never watch today tonight. By the way, your feta cheese looks superb!!!!! The finished item looks so professional. I’m sorry that the course was cancelled due to lack of numbers. Can you rally around some locals to get the numbers up?Cheese making classes are expensive.
Well done Gav, you scrub up well 😉 But for not qualifying for any rebates, we would have solar panels too, however I’m almost glad we don’t now! The whole situation is disgusting, I’m glad someone is bringing it to the attention of the public.
Good on you Gav, stick it to them! Bunch of ….. well shutting up now before I go overboard!
Yay! Thanks for posting the video, we get a WA-flavoured version of Today Tonight here.
I thought it was a good segment – they actually did a good job of explaining the problem and then having citizens like yourself explain how you’ve been affected by it. Good job, Gavin!
Well done Gavin. I wonder how many politicans watched that segment.
Ever considered getting in contact with Sunrise?
You’re a potty mouth Gav, but we already knew that 🙂
yes gav u ought to see if you can get on sunrise with kochey. you might be able to get to say more. keep up the good work
You’re a natural Gavin – keep up the good work
x deb