My humble apologies for not posting much this week. It has been very hectic here at TGOG’s house, what with the record temperatures of 47C (that’s 116.6F), trying to keep the veggie patch and chickens alive, and working on my assignment for the Carbon Accounting course that is due today!
My main post for today is over at the Simple|Green|Frugal Co-op and is titled Clean Renewable Energy – My Story. However, having said that, I will take a few photos today of my mostly dead garden and post another story tonight.
As I may have said before, please bare with me while I am on the Carbon Accounting course. I have one more classroom day, and one more assignment to complete. All being well, I will be accredited in about 3 weeks time and get back to regular posting again!
Just glad you are ok Gav,
I only mentioned to my husband that I hope you were alright in the VIC fires.
I was starting to worry a little as you usually write daily.
Take care of yourself Gav!
Thanks for the concern Sarhn. No, we are fine. I was just very busy.