I would like to give a big thanks for all the massive support and kind words via comments and personal blogs over the last 24 hours. I feel overwhelmed to say the least, and your words give me the courage and strength to keep on spreading the message and doing what I am doing. I just hope that my whole TV segment doesn’t cut!
I expect that if the Today Tonight piece goes to air that I may be contacted by other media outlets to tell my story, but time will tell. Not getting my hopes up, but the more I can represent the views of the majority of my readers the better off we will all be in the long run.
There has been some encouraging news out of the US over the last day or so. The Congress has approved President Obama’s stimulus package that includes US$11 billion for a green electricity grid. Now it has to pass through the Senate. It looks like Al Gore has been in the Presidents ear of late and might just see his lofty goal of 100% renewable energy in 10 years come to fruition via his RePower America campaign. Good on you Al. I really look up to you, even though you were a politician once. I suppose that is karma really because you, Al, now have the moral imperative and the mandate of the American People to move forward on advising the current administration regarding climate change and how to solve the crisis. I reckon you may just break through the special interest groups firewall and get that change that you and the public are after. There is hope after all, and if you guys lead, most of the world will follow.
So, once again, thanks to everyone for their wonderful encouragement today, it really does make a difference.
As for becoming PM, Daharja, I don’t think so, but thanks for the vote of confidence. For one, I hate politics but I love this new found activism I have embraced. Look how the mighty have fallen regarding Peter Garrett. I would hate to be stifled by the collective party like he is right now. It is time for the people to speak and the politicians to listen and start working for us and not for corporate greed.
And to my sister, the Mrs Cabbage Heart. Thanks for the accolades, but you are biased! We are family. Mind you, I feel like all my readers are like family. When you think about it a bit, we are all in this together, so why wouldn’t we be family?
To Margaret from the UK, thanks for the award. I really appreciate you thinking of me. Just doing the best I can.
Thanks Sarhn for the "Sarhn Award". How cool is it to receive on of those. I wonder what it looks like, but I reckon it will be better than an oscar!
And finally, to anyone else I have missed, THANKS A MILLION!
greenfumb says
Sorry Gavin, went back to work this week and missed all the excitement. I’m sure you were fantastic. Not sure if we will get that segment in NSW, maybe you can post it on YouTube. Keep up the good work x Deb
Cabbage Heart says
You are more than welcome! Im not biased. You truely are an Environmental Hero.
Margaret's Ramblings says
Is there any chance you can put the video here Gavin, would love to see it. Margaret