Sorry about this, but I won’t be posting a precis of the CPRS tonight. However, I have been busy sending emails to the Prime Minister and Climate Change Minister to let them know I am not amused with their pathetic target of 5-15% by 2020. It is the only real action I can take until the next election, besides joining one of the protests that are happening all throughout the week. I will certainly be looking into that.
I suppose I am blue because I expected better of our government. Not to be unfortunately, as these days they seem to take the word of industry and bow to the almighty ‘economy’ rather than doing the right thing and making tough decisions about the future of the planet and all who live on it.
Enough said about the subject, so onwards and upwards, keep doing what I am doing, and try to do the best I can each and every single day. Leading by example is what I do well, unlike any of these clowns.
Thank goodness I didn’t vote for either major party. I would feel even worse.
I didn’t have any of your confidence, Gavin and I didn’t vote for either of them either. Leading by example seems to be all we can do. Pathetic governments….. why are there no true visionaries in politics anymore? Maybe this could be the subject of my / your next post?