The Rules
1. Select 6 bloggers to whom you would like to give this award- prize (definitely not easy to choose – only 6)
2. Put the award – prize on your blog and indicate who gave it to you by identifying her/his blog
3. Paste these rules on your blog
4. Write 6 of your most important values and 6 negative points you condemn
5. Inform the 6 recipients by leaving a comment on their blog. Inform the 6 recipients by leaving a comment on their blog.
Only 6 blogs. Well here goes are the well deserved recipients.
Camp Quality Country Mile Tour. Read about Phil, and his trials and tribulations of planning to ride a recumbent tricycle and trailer around Australia clockwise. He will be collecting donations for Camp Quality along the way. Say gidday to him, as he sets off around the country in March 2009. Plus he is a nice bloke, and I like having a beer with him!Footprint Reduction in the ‘burbs. A relatively new blogger on the scene, but full of great gardening content. Follow the adventures of greenfumb in Sydney, who is trying to reduce her family’s carbon footprint.Cluttercut. All the way from New Zealand, Daharja is passionate about setting up a Transition Town in Dunedin on the South Island. I love her passion and determination, and with a few more like minded people in my town, it would be something I strive to achieve. Well done. I know she has just received two other awards, but share the love I say.taurus rising. Kel in Adelaide has just finished making a outdoors pizza oven, and with all that hard work gets presented with this award.Hills and Plains Seedsavers. Presented to all the writers at this wonderful blog. All passionate gardeners, and willing to share so many tips and tricks and the goings on of everyday life around the Adelaide Hills.Greener Me. Sarhn is a photographer and has been writing for a few month now. She runs her business in an environmentally friendly way, and is on her own green journey.

Finding Simplicity. Sharon does her best to simplify her life, one day at a time. I love her writing, and like her frankness and honesty.Margaret’s Ramblings. Margaret’s blog documents her simple lifestyle, and she is an avid backyard gardener like me. I love the way she preserves just about everything!A Greener Way. Nevyn is getting solar PV installed in about 8 weeks and is very excited. Well done. It will be the best investment you have ever made, and I am looking forward to reading about your installation experience. She is also an inconsistent gardener, but at least she admits it!Go Greener, Australia. Julie is an advocate for heightening awareness about Climate Change. She writes about the environment, focusing on Australia and talks about issues and solutions and what she is doing at home to make the world a greener place.
Thanks Gavin that’s very kind of you. you definitely deserve an award, your blog is fantastic, I can’t believe how much work you put into it.
Hope you are feeling well.
Thank you, Gavin. I’m so pleased you enjoy my writing. It makes it all so much more worthwhile 🙂
Thanks Mate,
Now , my turn
Dear Eco Boy,
Congratulations, you have been given an award. Go to http://www.campqualitycountrymiletour.blogspot.com to find out more..
Thanks Gav,
Thanks for your support!
Hi Gavin,
Congratulations! I’ve also tagged you for a Green meme, check out my blog 🙂
Cheers, Julie
congratulations gav on your awards you justly deserve them. keep up the good work
Thanks Gavin. You shouldn’t have, really, you shouldn’t have : ) Now I have to do some gardening. No pressure, none at all.
Congratulations on your awards, you definitely deserve them. Instead of giving the Australia Day award to a sportsman they should give it to you and others like you, who are doing the same hard work.
Congrats on the award! Am loving this blog.
Aw, shucks, thanks Gavin! I’ll definitely be checking out some of the other blogs you’ve awarded – looks like I’m in good company here 🙂
Congratulations on your awards Gavin.
And you’ve been tagged for another Award at http://bevbsbackyard.blogspot.com/2008/11/award.html