Sounds a bit like a Phil Collins song, but honestly I am over this drought we have here in Melton. With the promise of rain today, I was really hoping that we would get a good drenching. But, alas it was not to be. As usual a few drops and that was all that eventuated and no significant showers.
Not only am I sick of watering the veggie patch in freaking November which is not in line with the average climate, I am sick of planting so late and everything being eaten by insects. After all, they are only looking for moisture as well, and if my seedlings give it to them, well so be it. We even have a plague of hover wasps, and don’t know why! Watch out for the earwig and slug traps, you little blighters!
Now, if we just had a little rain here in Victoria it would make growing your own food just that little bit more worthwhile. I am glad I have a tank which still holds about 2000 litres of water. So far I have only had to supplement mains water about two to three times a week. However, with temperatures reaching to over 35 degrees C for three days in a row in November, it is getting ridiculous. Who says that Climate Change is a myth? These last three months are supposed to be our wettest for the year! With only 4mm out of the usual 150mm, we are bound for stage 4 water restrictions in the next few weeks. Our city dams are only 36% full. Not a pretty sight, but it still shits me that people are still hosing down their driveways illegally without a though for anyone else. Wait until they have to stick to a 4 minutes shower and see how they feel. I want to be a shower policeman. It would be a very rewarding job, I recon!
Not only are the poor veggie plants suffering, but Kim is having a dreadful time because of a major fatigue episode due to MS This doesn’t usually happened till about January in this State. We had to go into the pool today to settle her symptoms down. I forwent the local usual hydrotherapy pool and did my exercise in our cold pool. Amazing really, because the outside temp was 35C and the pool temp was still about 18C. Great for Kim, but not so good for my hydrotherapy routine I seized up at first, but managed to get through the routine. You see, the pain is not so present when the water is about body temperature at the hydro-pool, but is evident in my cold water pool. I showed Kim a few of the exercises that I had learnt to strengthen the leg muscles which helped her immensely. Afterwards, both Kim and I resorted to a nice bottle of Rose to quell the pain of the routine.
So now that the brain is numb and the fingers are willing, I have to tell you all that I am so pissed off (not pissed, as in Rose), with the general public of the western part of the planet who don’t give a flying fat fig about the rest of civilization, besides a conscious few (like most of my readers). It just makes my blood boil when I still hear that Australian’s are still the biggest carbon polluters per capita! Why is the message not getting through to the people and why are most of us so selfish? Someone please tell me and put me out of my misery!
So to help combat Climate Change in my own special way, I have now recruited four willing volunteers to walk with me in the City of Melbourne, on Saturday for the “Walk against Warming” march from Federation Square to Parliament House. It is so cool that Amy (my 19yold daughter), Jamie (Amy’s friend), Lydia (my Sister-in-Law), and Matt (Lydia’s boyfriend) are actually walking with me on Saturday. All I need is confirmation from Phil (Wombat064) and my day would be complete!
I am so looking forward to giving the message to our Federal and State Government about what we collectively think is a bunch off hot air so far in their interpretation of their current policies! As far as I see it, it is just simple political pandering to the the heavy polluting corporatism of this country who have won out so far. No longer my friends, no longer.
This weekend, with everyone’s help, we will send them a message that will be loud and will be very, very clear. No more crap! Just act with the moral imperative and start reducing carbon emissions before it is too late for all of us! 350ppm or just condemn us all to a planet that is not worth living on!
Climate Change is a working family’s issue. Just ask Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. He knows all about the working family! He told us so in his election promises in every single breath. Now, if he doesn’t act soon, it will be every working family that will suffer if it is left to get much worse .
Jeez, that’s hot!
Why can’t politicians ever deliver what they promise? Working man he may once have been but it seems once they get into power, all that gets forgotten.
yes sharon the polly only look after there own back yard .bugger us the people that put them there. all the best for your walk saturday gavin .my thoughts are with you and everyone that walks
Don’t get depressed…we just had SNOW in NOVEMBER!!!
Yep… on November 5th we had snow. Weird.
However, today it is back to the usual sunny November weather, thank goodness.
In the meanwhile, we’re working on Transition Dunedin. Is there a Transition Towns group where you live? If not, starting one might help get people active in positive ways.