November 15th 2008 is the day that Australia will Walk Against Warming. There is a walk planned for every state capital city.
This year, more than ever, is the time to show our elected officials that we hear them talk the talk, but cannot see them walking the walk.
Lets get together as a proud nation and show our state and federal governments that we are not happy, and need some decisive action and decisive leadership now! Not just for the credit crunch which will be over in a few years, but for climate change and all of its devastating effects on our planet in the very near future.
Enough pussy footing around trying to please big emitters. Make some hard decisions before we make one for you with our votes. Only three years left Kevin to get your act together. Australia is watching!
So pledge your support by Walking against Warming this year. If you do one act of activism, make it this one. Amy, Megan and I will see you there!
Teena says
I’m there Gav, Brisbane has one and I’m there! Dad … wanna walk with me?
JulieG says
I’ll be at the Perth walk!