Bigger than Ben Hur, more special effects than Star Wars, more unsinkable than the Titanic…..
I present to you, Chicken Day – The Movie!
@ By Gavin Webber 11 Comments
I present to you, Chicken Day – The Movie!
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good on you gavin spielberg of melton. the ladies look good
Mate ..Well done. You have chooks, hopefully some eggs soon and above all Hows the back ? chook arobics seems to be agreeing with you.
Good one Gavin… my daughter loved it!¤t=7464f07b.pbw
@ Dad. My creative side really comes out when I make movies. I love making them.
@ Phil. Yes my back is coming along nicely. The self hypnosis is working very well, and so is the self healing. Thanks for asking mate.
@ emmani. Your daughter is so cute. a great couple of photos! Thanks for showing her.
Hi Gavin,
Loved it, sat by the computer with my two small dogs (Mini & Cooper) and we watched the video together – not kidding the dogs watched it!
Love your blog – it is like spending the weekend in the country for this city girl!
Sarhn 🙂
That was fan-bloody-tastic! I havent been online the last couple of days as I have been busy in the yard also creating my own little hobby farm and preparing for the spring storms that have already been hammering us queenslanders and jump on the computer this morning to discover Im an aunty yet again with 4 lovely girls added to the family. Im so impressed and even more inspired to keep on working my little backside off in my own piece of paradise (just dont tell every aching muscle in my body theres more work to do) Well done!!!! Brings back so many memories of our childhood and just how much I took it all for granted…. Wonderfull Gav… Congratulations!!
@ Sarhn. I am glad you, mini & cooper enjoyed the show. You are most welcome. I have always been a country boy at heart and I am please that this blog shows my deep seated country roots.
@ Teena. You may not like me sharing this, but I remember that you had a pet chicken when you were about 4. You took it everywhere. I can’t remember its name, but it followed you everywhere like a puppy. Great times indeed. I only recalled it after some meditation. It was brown and looked similar to the chooks I have now! Also you should send some photos and I will bung them up on the blog. Or better still, start your own blog about your project. I will read it!
Love Gav
Gav Great work Teena’s chook was called henny penny and she carried it everywhere It eventially died from too much love
Love mum
teenas chook (henny penny) was in those days called a red allthorp. i dont know if thats how u spelt it. I used to buy most of our chooks from the local stock market every thursday,there used to be hundreds to choose from.
O..M..G..!!!!! Henny Penny! I am absolutley balling my eyes out with happy tears…I remember I loved that chook to death,but she kept comming back for more cuddles and was devestated when she passed away. I kept her close to me cause I remember watching dad one day getting another chook (white one) for meat and when the almighty chop came the chook chased me around the yard headless(dad wetting himself laughing of course) and i didnt want henny to have the same fate so i kept her with me in case she had the same fate. I would love to send some photo’s in, dad is bringing down a spare camera he has next time he visits. I have alot of projects on the go but have to be careful not to leave unsecured/half done projects in yard at moment as our spring storms are really hammering my area at moment, so progress is pretty slow… im experimenting with the vegies that the kids and i like (and the guinea pigs) in pots on the back deck cause i can move them to safety when the storms hit and if i have succuess i can plant the same variety in the beds when they are finished, I have a diary for planting etc and so far havent lost anything, I have also tried out so many recipies from your site and your followers sites and the kids just love them, and surprise surprise their behaviour has changed dramatically by going almost all organic, my grocery bill has become half and i have even saved heaps on electric bill, even with my many fish tanks just by budgeting filter times and turning off tv and doing craft instead or taking kids playstation away on a sunday and getting them out in yard to help me with projects ( 4 & 6 yr olds helping LOL ) so my lifestyle change has done wonders for my little family and its also done an amazing amount of personal deep healing for me. Im so gratful for family and remembering where my roots are, Im a country girl at heart and a member of a great family. Lotsa love xoxox
Hi Gav, this one doesn’t seem to be working anymore, any suggestions?