A few days ago, I was sent an invitation to join an on-line forum called EcoLivingScene.com
This is what they have to say about the forum from the email I received;
“EcoLivingScene is NOT about eco-activism so much. It’s about average people inspiring and supporting each other to make simple and cost-effective lifestyle changes that everyone can make to help the environment.“
I don’t normally endorse or plug specific organisations mainly because I like to have an objective view and many of us can be unaware of greenwashing before we find out the reality of a good or service, but I can see that this type of forum is quite unique in Australia. I had a look around the site and even though it has only just been created about a month ago, there is quite a bit of information posted already. All fairly sound advice.
There are a few other forum that I subscribe to like The Earth Garden Path, and Aussies Living Simply, and I put up a post once in a while. They are all great on-line communities, and are good portals for sharing information, which, unlike a blog which is one way converstation (besides comments of course), these forums are interactive. When you post for advice, you usually get relies back in droves, and 99% of the time you receive the answers you seek.
Give them a go if you like. I have found them all to be a good source of information for those starting out on the path to a sustainable lifestyle.
I got the same invitation and checked it out but was a bit disappointed at how flippant some of the posts were, although I do concede that for those just starting out it might be OK. I thought there was a lot of focus on gadgetry, but maybe I’m just getting old 😉