Coincidently, the ten month anniversary is also the same day that I have the pleasure of receiving a Selective Lumbar Nerve Root block. The procedure is scheduled for 11am, and between you and me, I am a little nervous about it.
It is very similar to the type of epidural that women receive during childbirth (if they want it of course), but this procedure is done on both left and right sides of the disc bulge and a small amount of anaesthetic and corticosteroids are injected near the nerve roots, with the assistance of a CT scan to help the Surgeon to locate the right area. I have been told that it is very safe, and there is a good chance that the pain should go away either instantly or within a few days. I have also been told that it is a 50/50 chance that it will work at all, so I am not going in with high hopes. If it works, that will be fantastic, and maybe the chicken house will get finally finished, and I can go back to work full time. If it doesn’t, I will just keep soldiering on, and wait for the pain to go away naturally.
With a couple of days rest, I should be back up and stuck into all the green things in my life on Wednesday. Rock on Monday!
Good luck, Gavin, I hope it all goes well.
also good luck gavin. nothing worse than lower back pain.think positive . it will work dad
Thinking of you Gavin. I am sure it will all go well.
Best Wishes.