If I was a real cynic I would simply write in big letters “DON’T DRIVE“, but as the entire population of Australia seams to be addicted to the motor vehicle that spews out masses of CO2e (79.5 million tonnes in 2005), I will be a little more sensible than that.
So here is my real advice (scroll down),
Enough humour for one day. If you want some real tips on saving fuel in your daily travels, check out some sound advice at the Australian Government website for Sustainable transport. You will notice that their first tip is minimise your vehicle use, in which they even mention cycling and walking as an alternative to driving short trips less than five kilometres. Or, alternatively, have a look at the Green Vehicle Guide for when your old banger finally dies.
Sound advice yes, now if we could just get more cycle paths or have less cars on the road, that would be a great achievement! But, wait, here are the steak knives. Bicycle Victoria have a great site that aims to promote bike riding for everyone. Even Melton, the town I live in, has a Bicycle Users Group. Check out their blog at MelBUG.
Happy walking or cycling, and safe motoring if that floats your boat!
- I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
- Douglas Adams English humorist & science fiction novelist (1952 – 2001)
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