For the vertical garden I am using CCA treated logs as the main supports as they have served us well in the past with the ones I put in 6 years ago not showing any sign of rot. They will be all joined together with three cross beams, which will support the trellis. We will then put in some raised, narrow, no-dig garden beds at the base of the trellis and plant passionfruit and kiwi fruit, and maybe there will be some space left for some runner beans in the summer. Here is a picture of Megan digging one of the seven holes that were required for the support posts.

The total cost to date is $240 for both projects, but only about $60 for the chicken coop. My estimates are that it will probably cost another $170 to finish everything off, but that will not include the timber for the raised no-dig beds that will be going under the posts and trellis. I will have to find some cheap red gum sleepers from somewhere.
So far so good, and with another few days of hard labour from the kids and careful supervision by Butch and myself, we should be able to fill the cage with about 3 to 4 bantams or Isa Browns that we should be able to find locally. A big thanks goes out to Adam, Amy and Megan for helping out with the physical labour. I treasure your muscle-bound, young, hard-working bodies!
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